Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

3 Resultados de traducción para to believe en español

verb | | adjective

believe verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
believed, has believed, is believing, believes

Ejemplos de uso de
believe verb

  • The scientists believed the reports.
  • Many people seem to believe that theory, but I find it hard to believe.
  • You shouldn't believe everything you read.
  • He says he'll help us, but I don't believe what he says.
  • They were tricked into believing that he was a doctor.
  • He says he'll help us, but I don't believe him.
  • She went to church because her family expected it, but she didn't really believe.

Sinónimos de
believe verb

Sinónimos detallados para believe verb

Ver: Know


unfavorite favorite play sound
fantasía, invención

make-believe adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Sinónimos detallados para make-believe adjective

Traducción inversa para to believe

creer  - to believe, to suppose, to think 
imaginario  - imaginary 
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